Your Ultimate Docker Cheatsheet for Learning and Interview Success

Crack Docker with Ease: Your Essential Cheatsheet for Learning and Interviews


4 min read

Your Ultimate Docker Cheatsheet for Learning and Interview Success

In the dynamic realm of software development, Docker has emerged as a pivotal tool for streamlining application deployment and management. With its array of commands and options, mastering Docker might seem like a daunting task. This is where a meticulously crafted Docker cheatsheet comes into play, serving as a compass to navigate the Docker landscape efficiently. In this blog, I will be sharing with you a meticulously crafted docker cheat sheet that will help you learn docker effectively.

docker pull <image>Pulls a Docker image from a registry.docker pull nginx:latest
docker run <options> <image>Creates and starts a new container from an image.docker run -d -p 8080:80 nginx:latest
docker psLists running containers.docker ps
docker imagesLists downloaded Docker images.docker images
docker exec <options> <container>Runs a command in a running container.docker exec -it <container_id> bash
docker stop <container>Stops a running container.docker stop <container_id>
docker rm <container>Removes a stopped container.docker rm <container_id>
docker rmi <image>Removes a Docker image.docker rmi <image_id>
docker build <options> <path>Builds a Docker image from a Dockerfile.docker build -t my_app:latest .
docker-compose up <options>Starts services defined in a docker-compose.yml file.docker-compose up -d
docker-compose downStops and removes services started with docker-compose up.docker-compose down
docker network create <name>Creates a Docker network for containers to communicate.docker network create my_network
docker network lsLists Docker networks.docker network ls
docker network inspect <network>Displays detailed information about a network.docker network inspect my_network
docker network connect <network> <container>Connects a container to a network.docker network connect my_network my_container
docker network disconnect <network> <container>Disconnects a container from a network.docker network disconnect my_network my_container
docker logs <container>Displays logs from a container.docker logs <container_id>
docker volume create <name>Creates a Docker volume for data persistence.docker volume create my_data
docker volume lsLists Docker volumes.docker volume ls
docker volume inspect <volume>Displays detailed information about a volume.docker volume inspect my_data
docker cp <local_path> <container>:<container_path>Copies files between a container and the local filesystem.docker cp ./file.txt <container_id>:/path/file.txt
docker inspect <object>Returns detailed information about containers or images.docker inspect <container_id>
docker tag <source_image> <target_image>Tags an image to a specified name and optionally a tag.docker tag nginx:latest mynginx:1.0
docker pause <container>Pauses all processes within a container.docker pause <container_id>
docker unpause <container>Unpauses processes within a paused container.docker unpause <container_id>
docker login <registry>Logs in to a Docker registry.docker login
docker logout <registry>Logs out from a Docker registry.docker logout
docker restart <container>Restarts a running container.docker restart <container_id>
docker attach <container>Attaches to a running container's console.docker attach <container_id>
docker commit <container> <image>Creates a new image from a container's changes.docker commit <container_id> my_app:version2
docker inspect <object>Displays detailed information about Docker objects.docker inspect <container_id>
docker statsDisplays a live stream of container resource usage statistics.docker stats
docker top <container>Displays the running processes of a container.docker top <container_id>
docker system pruneRemoves all unused Docker resources.docker system prune
docker export <container>Creates a tarball of a container's file system.docker export <container_id> > container.tar
docker import <archive>Imports a previously exported container as a filesystem.docker import container.tar my_container:latest

So there you have it! Your very own Docker cheatsheet with you throughout your Docker adventures. It's not just a bunch of fancy commands, it's your helpful buddy that makes Docker easier.


Check out my repository for a database of popular docker interview questions and resources here ๐Ÿง‘๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿ’ป. This repository is community-supported and potential contributors can add more data to it over time. I encourage you to contribute to this repository and make it the go-to resource for docker preparation. ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’ฏ
